Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cartoon Caption Contest 5

(Your caption here)

It has been a few months since I've had a cartoon caption contest...and now seems a fine time to do it again.

Anyone can enter, including those who entered or won the last four caption contests. If you can think of a caption for the cartoon above, compose away! (Simply write it in the comment below or if you prefer, you can email it to me.)

The winner's name will be posted here, along with the finished cartoon featuring their caption. He or she will also receive a print of the cartoon, (with their name added to the signature line). 


  1. Corbin Scott4/17/13, 3:38 PM

    I could've sworn I left the DeLorean on this corner.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Yeh, boss, this new porsche comes with hidden speed cameras, red light violation cameras, wrong turn cameras, passing school bus cameras, and parking illegal cameras. Don't worry, all police tickets are sent directly to your local bank for payments. Therefore, your wife will never know what you did or with whom! drmrs 10/25/2013


Let me know if I can answer a question.