A Holiday card for a technology company in Seattle that designs and manufactures various traffic based technology, such as congestion-sensing stop lights and highway lane departure warning systems. I wrote concept for this and upon approval, created the artwork.
Card for a career services company based in Florida:

A card for a client in New York, (hence the NYC & Broadway theme.)

Below is a Holiday card for a company in North Carolina that involved caricaturing its executives, and tying it into the company's existing logo. (A swoosh of sorts.) It was fairly detailed for a card, (some of the folks had facial hair or or other characteristics that needed to be drawn with some accuracy.)

After completing the card, the firm decided they wanted to use the concept for a Flash animation on their website. (With the sled proceeding down the slope, the snowman jumping up, out of the way and landing again.) I do some work for animations, but usually in concert with a Flash programmer.
In this case, I planned the progressions along the way, and then created artwork for each major change in position and expression. It's a fun diversion from my usual daily routine of writing humor and drawing cartoons for print.

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