Well if there is anyone out there still checking this barren outpost for blurbs...(I'd have to assume not, after going so long between posts,) there has been no time for me to do anything here, due to work.
I have to admit that I took on too much work. It's a fine line measuring when you have more than you can handle, (like the airlines, one tends to overestimate one's capacity at times...But unlike the airlines, I can't "bump" people who have been promised something.)
Things are just now getting more sane, so I thought I'd take a brief moment to breathe.
I am in the midst of creating some cartoon illustrations for a Fortune 100 firm in California, for a video presentation that they plan to beam to their offices around the country next week. The needs for this have grown as their CEO and others have gotten involved in its production. It should wrap up this week or early next. But it has been fun to work on something that needs to translate to video screen.
I'm also currently illustrating a psychology book for a publishing deadline and finishing up some things for a political campaign for newspapers in Lousiana...as well as some corporate work for a financial firm in Florida and ad cartoons for an ad agency in L.A. (There are even more jobs on the docket...but I've stopped answering my phone...it's just plain nuts.)
My apologies for the diminished posts, and for any lack of clarity to my writing right now; I'm a little fuzzy due to an abbreviated sleeping schedule. Things will clear soon.
Hope all is well with you.