Thursday, February 27, 2014

On the Digital Drawing Board: Recent editorial work

(Recent work blog post part 2. I posted this in real time, so here it appears before Part 1.)


A couple of editorial cartoons for Axel Merk's financial column.


Political cartoons for a San Diego newspaper. 


  A cartoon illustration of google executive Matt Cutts, created for a software industry magazine.

On the Digital Drawing Board: Recent corporate work

My apologies for the gap between posts. It has been a busy period of work, play, life in general, with little time to step back and reflect. --But that is when life is at its best, right? Lived rather than pondered in retrospect.

Onward, with a few recent pieces for corporate clients: 

 The annual conference poster for Career Directors International Inc. I've enjoyed doing these for about 7-8 years running now....but this one was even more fun than usual, allowing me to play with a hang glider, and to dabble in fantasy. (No such thing as a 3-person hang glider...2 is the max.)

A few pieces for the Georgia Beer Wholesalers Association, for a series of ads to fight proposed legislation at the state capital. (Commissioned by a PR firm in Atlanta.)

Sketched concept.


Speaking of alcoholic beverage manufacturing... Some cartoons created for a Boston-based hard cider company, (Downeast Cider). The two founders contacted me last month wanting to tell the story of their company for use on their website. Starting from ideas, inception, growth, move from Maine to Boston -- and their continued evolution. A few samples:

I learned a great deal about brewing cider...but not quite enough to start my own moonshining operation. (Just as well; I don't want to end up like a character on "Justified".)


Updated illustrations created for the Erickson Air Crane Corporation, whose specialized snow-moving helicopters were used in the Sochi Olympics. (And boy, did they need them...lots of melting going on in those high temperatures. 18 ski racers wiped out in one day due to the slush. Doubt we'll be seeing the games hosted in that location again.)


Just for fun, a blast from the past: One of several advertising pieces created way back in 2002 for Adelphia cable, (yes, that Adelphia...the cable company that whose founders were charged with securities violations. They were later acquired by Time Warner.)


Back to the drawing board...