Monday, September 02, 2013

Drawing Board wrap-up - Recent Work: August

This is one of those periods where I don't have a lot to show on the blog.

I'm currently illustrating four books, (one children's book, one adult humor book, and two business books)...all of them have requested that everything be kept under wraps until they are published, (certainly a common thing with copyrighted material that one is trying to sell for a profit.)

So, with that in mind, I'll share a few other things that have graced the drawing board in the past few weeks, since the last update.

A couple of political style cartoons on the Fed and Ben Bernanke...for regular client, Merk Investments, to go along with firm president Axel Merk's column. Merk insights


A cartoon for Akamai, a large but rather unknown company that powers the internet hubs of companies like Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon, ITunes and Zappos.

(Update 9/11/13: Coincidentally, one of the co-founders of Akamai, Danny Lewin, was profiled on today....he was likely the first victim of Sept. 11 and the first hero, as he tried to stop the hijackers on flight 11.)   Story link


A cartoon for a start-up organization based in Chicago, desgined to help women of all ages and backgrounds succeed in business. This was a referral from an ad agency who I worked with back when I lived in Illinois. --A B&W sketch...

Another piece for, in their efforts to fight the NRA. (Sorry gun owners. I am one, too, but hey, MoveON pays very well.) (I used the fee for this to buy a new shotgun and ammo.)


I live in Boulder, Colorado, which is also the home of the main campus of the University of Colorado. As it turns out, there have been five Nobel Prize winners over the past few decades, four in physics and one in chemistry. The state of Colorado and Governor Hickenlooper decided that it would like to honor them with a sculpture and wondered about how to go about requesting design proposals from sculptors. I was recently contacted by the sculpture committee to create a drawing for an ad, requesting submissions for the sculpture. (There are many highly talented sculptors in the area, and a few have already come forward epressing interest in submitting a design.)

Here is an approved but very rough sketch that I created for their rough mock-up...the more polished art for the final ad will be created soon.

Bedeep, bedeep, bedeep, that's all folks. Back to work on those aforementioned books.