This is a cartoon I created for K&L winery (in Northern California) last month.
Their ad agency was doing a campaign that showed an open copy of a New Yorker-like magazine with a "New Yorker" style cartoon...and obviously, they could not simply publish a photo of the actual magazine without violating copyrights. Additionally, they wanted the cartoon to be specifically about wine and also mention their winery in the background.
So, they hired a San Francisco design firm to create the magazine layout, and they hired me to write and draw the "New Yorker" cartoon.
I wrote three concepts and we all agreed that this one fit, so I create the artwork. After the winery's approval, the SF design firm placed it into the design. Lots of fun, and I enjoyed getting to see the ad in a few magazines this month.
Two book illustration jobs are on the drawing board, and I'm going to do my best to get ahead with them so that I can take a motorcycle trip into the mountains, now that the snow is clear from most of the roads at high altitude. I'm going with a friend who is in town for a few days.
Here's an old pic from a motorcycle
trip taken with that friend, and another buddy. We rode from Boulder to Kansas City to see a White Sox/Royals game...and to Lawrence Kansas, (where my
girlfriend at the time was pursuing postgraduate degrees in Education at KU). A great trip, with lots of memories...but I'll be honest, one of them involved that return trip, which we blitzed through at a fast pace to beat a storm. The last couple hundred miles on the motorcycles left our heinies as tender as Kansas City BBQ.